My Obsession

I sent the manuscript for my book, Touch, off to the editor this morning at 9 AM CST. Perfect! For the next few weeks while she completes her first go-around, I’ll have time to tackle my to-do list, the one I promised myself two months ago would get done as soon as Touch was out of my hands. Tasks having to do with my house and garden that I always let go when I’m in the middle of a book. Sounds like a plan, right?

Not for this writer whose work is an obsession! Although, I really believe I’m not alone. So, Authors, let me ask you. Even as you’re sending off your manuscript to whoever might be your eyes for content or grammar, haven’t you already plotted out, at least partially, your next book? Or books? Aren’t characters already dancing in your mental vision? Dialogue impatient to spill out onto the pages?

Needless to say, this evening at 7:53 PM CST, I’m writing this blog after having spent a few hours on the first pages of my next book. I know… I know… I promise, tomorrow morning, first thing as soon as my dogs are let out in the backyard and fed, I’m tackling the first item on my to-do list.

That is, of course, if inspiration doesn’t hit and I have to get it down before I forget!


What’s in a Touch?


Why Annie Moon?