A Truth by Maya Angelou
In her famous book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou wrote:
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
Angelou’s quote is personal because after a lifetime I’ve finally told my story. It’s one filled with the trauma of incest and mental cruelty, staying closeted and the specter of my father’ gun. The title of my book is Paradise and it’s inspired by real life. Carrying the burden of my story for so many years has truly been agony but I was so afraid of what people would think of me if they knew the truth of who I was, and why I’d made so many bad choices in my life regarding the people I invited into my life.
Every person on this planet has a unique story and millions all over the world have experienced abuse of one kind or another. So why is my story special? It’s not in that I’m not a celebrity nor am I running for a political office. Regardless, like Angelou, the need to write my book was as fundamental as breathing. I think it’s because I needed to rationalize why fear and abuse were the focus of my childhood. I could live with myself if I had a purpose and it was to share my story so other women and children who were victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse believe that no matter how desperate you are, there is a way out.